منتدى العراق الجريح
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منتدى العراق الجريح


أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

Box ،،،،Super Doctor لمعالجة الاجهزه الصينيه

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]



،،،،Super Doctor is developed from and based on ،°MTK Mini-Doctor،± box and Intelligent Self-definition Box, with all the advantages of both, especially for repairing phones made in China. Based on the mature scan technology of MTK Mini-Doctor, we developed and added auto-scan program to ADI, AGER, TI and SKY chip series, that ahead we combine the Auto-scan and Intelligent-define into one perfect device!
،،،،1)Easy-run mode: we move the simple and easy operations on, adopting three scan modes and three scan arithmetic ways. As you just use this box as one universal ،°cable،±, most jobs finished on automatical modes£،
،،،،2)Emulation mode: and in near tomorrow, you can use this box as one emulator and one universal box for repairing phones. Detailed functions and emulation modes we will introduce fast£،
،،،،3)Humanly design: it can work with Super Doctor main program, or works separately without the main program for more useful and convenient programming.
،،،،4)24-pin intelligent auto-definition: users can randomly set the RXD, TXD and Startup route at will and it can support more systems£،
،،،،5)Scan end-port definition: it can scan all kinds of phones،¯ end-socket, and upgrade without limit£،
،،،،£².Box Specifications
،،،،1).With 3 scan modes and 3 scan arithmetics, it supports MTK, ADI, AGERE, SKY and TI chip series phones.
،،،،2)Scan 5 groups signal: VCC, GND, TXD, RXD and high-voltage startup route (or low-voltage startup route).
،،،،3)Ob-read phone،¯s definition: scan finished, it can read out the data cable definition.
،،،،4)Intelligent definition: except the 5 chip series mentioned just upper, it can support to hand-define the VCC, GND, TXD, RXD and high-voltage startup route (or low-voltage startup route) with the other TXD, RXD chip series.
،،،،5)Unique automatic pullup/down resistance: it can auto self-detect the system and set the resistance.
،،،،6)Over-voltage protection: it can respond in 0.01 second and restore the voltage in 3 seconds automatically.
،،،،7)Intelligent Button: it works as the ،°Emulator،± button and as ،°Phone power switch،± button both£،
،،،،8)3.3V highspeed CPU: it supports 1.8V phones and max addressing 128K, such as ADI CPU phones, (Sam E728 ،*) and so on.
،،،،9)Auto-detect communication speed: with this intellectual property technique by our team, this box can detect the chip communication speed difference automatically, and then auto-define them. Till now it can support 95% phones made in China in the market

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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